5-7K Hairs | No Linear Scars | 5,000+ Performed
We are Michigan’s #1 most experienced and affordable hair transplant center specializing in manual Turkish-style FUE. Please complete the form to be contacted for a free consultation.
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Free Consultation
We provide free consultations, so you can always feel confident when talking to one of our specialists. To book, complete the form below or call (248)-254-6402.
Financing Available
Financing Available
Hair Transplant
(5-7k Hairs FUE)
Full hairline or full crown repair in one full day treatment.
Total Price: $8,900
Double Session
(8-12k Hairs FUE)
Total hairline & crown restoration in 2 treatments, 30 days apart.
Total Price: $16,800
Beard Transplant
(4-7K HAirs)
Full beard hair restoration in one full-day procedure.
Total Price: $8,900
Hair Injections
Biologic Therapy
Injection therapy to prevent hair loss and enhance hair growth.
Total Price: $599/ea
State of the art hair restoration for male pattern baldness.
Our Results
5,000+ CLIENTS All Restored By 1 Team
Hair Restoration is all we do. Our team has been performing hair transplantation for over 26 years and is experienced with every skin and hair type out there. We understand the science of male pattern hair loss and are here not only to restore your hair but make sure you keep it!
Hair transplants are one of the most delicate cosmetic procedures and it takes a highly specialized team to get the results you deserve.
Our team is ready to restore your hair so you can look and feel your best at a reasonable price. To speak with a hair transplant specialist about your goals, fill out the form above and someone on our team will give you a call to discuss your options.
FUE Hair Transplant Michigan
How does It work?
Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE is a newer, more minimally invasive technique for transplanting hair and treating male pattern baldness. Unlike the old school methods that involved removing a strip of tissue from back of ones scalp, FUE involves no deep cutting and therefore no linear scar, no pain, and a much faster recovery than traditional hair restoration. The procedure takes 1 day and the results last a lifetime.
The procedure works by using a special tool to extract hair follicles, from the back of the scalp, one at a time. Once thousands of hair follicles have been extracted, small openings are created in the hairline or crown. These hairs are then implanted in the balding area where they begin to take root and grow over the following months. It can take up to 8 months to see the full results.





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Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the recovery?
We recommend 3-7 days for healing depending on your job. Hair restoration has a very relaxed recovery with little to no pain, especially after the first 48 hours. Despite this, you will have to look after your newly transplanted hairs for 2-3 weeks after the treatment. This means avoiding strenuous exercise, excessive sunlight, strong chemicals like chlorine, and giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover.
You will come into the clinic the day after your FUE to ensure you are healing properly, so if you’re coming to see us from out of town, plan to stay for 2-3 days. Scabs will form around the hairs and they usually disappear within 8-10 days.
How long does it take to perform?
FUE takes an entire day to perform but the results last a lifetime. We only perform 1 procedure per day, and this allows us to dedicate the necessary time for every patient. Your procedure may begin anywhere from 8-10 AM and may finish somewhere between 5-7 PM, depending on how many hairs you need.
It is a long procedure, but it is not intensive. Since the procedure is painless, patients often fall asleep during the treatment for a few hours, wake up for lunch, and even watch TV while the hairs are being implanted.
What is the hair transplant success rate?
FUE hair transplantation possesses a 97% success rate when performed manually. This success rate is much lower in other countries, where untrained technicians are often performing the procedures as well as in the US when performed with extraction machines. When hair is transplanted correctly, the success rate is very high.
The 2 main factors that affect this success rate include root transection and damaged graft implantation. Transection is where the bulb of the hair follicle is mistakenly cut when extracted. Transection rates can be very high among inexperienced teams and teams that use extraction machines. Damaged graft implantation is when grafts that do not have roots or have damaged roots, which will hinder their survival, are implanted. Because we strive for a 100% success rate, we examine every graft prior to implantation. All transected or damaged grafts are discarded and not counted in the total transplant numbers.
How long before I see results?
The newly transplanted hairs can take 8-10 months to grow but you will notice a change in your hairline immediately. Hairs will fall out at about 1 month, but this is completely normal. The roots are still intact beneath the skin and new hairs will grow from them. After that, they will start to emerge from the skin at about 6 months and your hair will look very normal during this period. Some hairs will begin to show 4-5 months later, but it will take 8-10 months before all the hairs have grown out and all the results are fully realized.
How is a hair transplant performed?
Our FUE hair transplant begins by trimming your hair down to a buzz cut. Then, using a precise punch tool, thousands of hair follicles are gently extracted from the back and sides of your scalp, one at a time. This extraction period often lasts several hours depending on how many hairs are required for you to reach your goals.
The follicles are then separated under a microscope and prepared to be grafted. They are separated into groups of single, double, and triple hair follicles. This is done so that the different types of follicles can be blended in a way that looks natural.
Next, in the balding area, thousands of millimeter-sized cuts are created for the grafts to be placed in, comparable to paper cuts. The grafts are then gently inserted into the recipient sites and they quickly begin to heal immediately after placement.
The entire process is performed under local anesthesia, meaning you are fully awake but your scalp is completely numb. Most patients report absolutely no pain during the treatment. You are free to watch TV during the second half of the procedure and will be given multiple breaks to use the restroom and one break for lunch, which will be provided.
Who will perform my hair transplant?
Your hair transplant will be performed by a team of specialized technicians under the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider. Our Technicians have been performing hair transplants for over 25 years. We have our own in-house team of technicians and we do not rotate teams or share teams with other clinics. Manual FUE hair transplantation is a tedious and technical procedure that takes up to 10 hours to complete so its typically performed by specialized technicians.
Do you do beard transplants in Michigan?
Our team at Venus Hair Restoration has extensive training and experience in beard transplantations. During a beard transplant, hair is typically taken from the back of the scalp and used to fill the patchy areas of the beard. If you have no beard at all, a procedure to fill the entire area is possible but it will not be as dense as a natural beard.
What are NeoGraft and the ARTAS Robots?
ARTAS and NeoGraft are machines designed to facilitate hair transplant and make it easier to perform. The benefit to the patient is little to none at the moment but the cost of the procedure is typically twice as high. Hair transplant machines are typically utilized by plastic surgeons and other doctors who do not specialize in hair restoration. These machines can significantly increase the number of grafts which are transected or damaged during extraction.
Is there a minimum age for hair transplants in Michigan?
The minimum age for a hair transplant in Michigan is 18 years old. With that being said, we typically don’t recommend hair restoration to patients under the age of 25 unless their male pattern baldness is well controlled. There are no medical risks to having the procedure at say, age 21, but such patients are still losing hair rapidly and may need a second treatment 2-3 years later. The hair that is transplanted will never fall out, but more original hairs may, creating an odd-looking hairline.
How much does a hair transplant cost in Michigan?
In Michigan, the cost of an FUE hair transplant is $8,900 at Venus Hair Restoration. Nearly half the national average of $15,000.
We do offer financing options through PatientFi if you are interested in financing your procedure over 6-42 months. When compared to something like a tummy tuck, which only takes 2-3 hours to perform and has a similar price tag, a hair transplant can take up to 12 hours to complete and requires both a physician and 2-3 technicians. Despite this, we always strive to be the most affordable hair transplant center in Michigan.
Will Insurance cover a hair transplant in Michigan?
Unfortunately, your health insurance will not cover the cost of your hair transplant. Hair transplantation is purely a cosmetic procedure and unlike some cosmetic procedures (like breast reduction) there are no direct medical benefits.
What is the overall process at your clinic?
Step 1: Contact Venus Hair Restoration
You can give us a call or fill out the form on our website and we will contact you to set up your consultation. Before your consultation, you can also send us some photos of your scalp via text or email so the doctor can make sure you are a candidate for FUE and we can prepare for your consultation. We will provide you with the angles we need when you call. If you are coming to have surgery from out of town or just prefer to social distance, we can set up a virtual consultation.
Step 2: Come in for a free consultation
Your experience at Venus Hair Restoration begins with a free consultation at our clinic in Farmington Hills. During this consultation, you will be educated on FUE hair restoration and the unique methods we use to create natural-looking results. We dedicate at 1 hour to every patient, ensuring you have ample time to voice any questions or concerns you may have about the treatment.
Step 3: Book a day for your hair transplant in Michigan
During your consultation, we will provide you with all the information you need to educate yourself on the treatment and make an informed and confident decision about your hair. You are then free to book your hair transplant on a day that works for your schedule, whether it be the following week, or 6 months later. We do require a deposit at least 2 weeks prior in order to secure the date.
Because it is a lengthy treatment, we are not able to perform more than 1 treatment on the same day. If you are a group from out of town, coming to have a hair transplant in Michigan, we will need a full day for each patient.
Step 4: Having the hair transplant
Your hair transplant can take anywhere from 8-10 hours depending on how many hairs you need to reach your goals. This means you will need to take the entire day off work and ensure all responsibilities are set aside for the procedure. You will arrive at our Michigan hair transplant center around 8-9 AM and may not be ready to go home until 6-7 PM depending on your case. You will be able to drive home after the surgery since only local anesthesia is used.
Step 5: Healing after your hair transplant
The following day, you will return to our clinic for a post-op exam. During this exam, we will ensure that all of the grafts are healing properly and none of them have been dislodged. We will give you detailed instructions on how to take care of your hair in the coming weeks and demonstrate how to safely wash your hair. We are here to make sure that you are comfortable with your treatment and are available every day of the week to answer any questions or concerns you have.
Step 6: Enjoy your full head of hair!
In the coming months, more and more hairs will begin to sprout from the transplanted follicles. Some follicles may remain dormant for up to 6 months. The hair that has been transplanted is your hair and is 100% natural. That means you can comb it, dye it, gel it, and style it in any way you like, just like your regular hair. If your hairs are thin, we recommend coming into the clinic for a session about 4-6 months after the treatment. This will provide your new follicles with the necessary nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.
We provide free consultations, so you can always feel confident when talking to one of our specialists. To book, complete the form below or call (248)-254-6402.